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Become a Member

DISES Membership Dues
Undergraduate Professional Graduate Early Career Professional Paraeducator Retired Affiliate: Family/Parent
$15 $15 $24 $29 $24 $29 $29


For questions, please call CEC Member Services at 1-888-232-7733, email them at, or chat with them live on CEC’s website.

How do I become a DISES member?

DISES is a special interest division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).

If you are already a CEC member, please call CEC at 1-888-232-7733 to add on a DISES membership.
If you are not a CEC Member yet: 
check out the membership options.

Top 10 Reasons to Join DISES

  1. NETWORK with members in several different countries and promote collegiality and international association.
  2. FOSTER a broad understanding of the international experience in education and services for individuals with exceptional needs.
  3. PARTICIPATE in professional learning with colleagues around the world at international and national conferences, Roundtables and other exciting events.
  4. ENGAGE in international partnerships that join individuals from various societies and cultures in working toward common goals.
  5. CONTRIBUTE to lively discussions to advance education and services for individuals with exceptional education needs throughout the world.
  6. COLLABORATE with professionals passionate about promoting opportunities for inclusive education for individuals around the world.
  7. LEARN the current research, practices and advances in the field in the Journal of International Special Needs Education.
  8. CONNECT with colleagues, share ideas and learn about special projects members are engaged in to promote special education services internationally.
  9. ACCESS resources and services from the international Council of Exceptional Children as a DISES member for leadership, advocacy and professional learning opportunities.
  10. JOIN the dynamic DISES Team!!!
Last Updated:  6 April, 2024

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