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About Our Committees

For more information about joining committees, reach out to our president, Rebekka Jez at!

Committee Description Contacts

Membership Committee


In coordination with the Vice President and President Elect, the Membership Committee works with the Webmaster and Communication Officer to coordinate membership activities. The Membership Officer reaches out to current, lapsed, and new DISES members about getting involved. Beth & Robai

Sip & Chat Committee


DISES Sip & Chats are organized for current and prospective members to join in fellowship. Although there is a theme for many of the Sip & Chat events, these are free, informal events to learn more about DISES and the global community. Keitha & Robai

Virtual Event Committee


DISES Virtual Events are a special opportunity for our members and international guests to learn about and share effective inclusive practices from around the world. These interactive events include a panel of experts from different regions, links to resources, and time to engage with those who attend in discussion. After the event, an Information Brief that summarizes the event and provides the links to resources and the video is created. Dani, Dake, & Keri

Professional Learning Committee


DISES Professional Learning Committee creates professional development resources to increase culturally responsive and sustaining inclusive practices, knowledge, and skills. This group is currently working on building out learning modules that can be adapted for different contexts around the world. Rebekka & Jen

Family Engagement Committee


The DISES Family Engagement Committee engages with families and caregivers of youth with disabilities to support professional learning, create opportunities for networking, and shares resources from across the globe. Nicci & Hannah

Student Engagement Committee


The DISES Student Engagement Committee aims to get current undergraduate and graduate students involved in the global inclusive education community. The committee organizes writing events, virtual watch parties on different topics, and mentorship opportunities. Saurym

Awards Committee


The DISES Awards Committee works together to gather nominations and select winners of the DISES awards categories: Dr. Deborah Ziegler Distinguished International Leadership Award, DISES Distinguished Student Research Award, DISES Distinguished Student Leadership/Service Award, and the DISES Distinguished International Teacher Award. Keri

Election Committee


Each year the election committee identifies the positions that are up for election. They update the nomination form, work with the executive director in messaging the announcement, and organize the vote. Nicole


Last Updated:  23 May, 2024

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