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COVID-19 Resources

Dear Members, please check this link for some helpful resources related to COVID-19.


Instructional Resources

National Center for Intensive Intervention (NCII)
COVID-19 Resources for Data Collection and Lesson Planning
Click on the headers to find resources organized by topic area. They include example lessons, implementation videos, tip sheets, and data collection strategies.
These activities were developed by practitioners that participated in the NCII Community of Practice during spring 2020 to showcase example strategies that educators have used to deliver intervention in a virtual environment during the pandemic.

Resource Spotlight on Inclusive Practices
These instructional resources from a variety of sources are focused on effective inclusive practices and co-teaching in virtual, hybrid or in-person environments.

Distance Learning Report
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released this full reportDISTANCE LEARNING, Challenges Providing Services to K-12 English Learners and Students with Disabilities during COVID-19. Read their full report to learn what is happening across the nation in our schools and the information that is being reported to our elected officials.
To read more about the GAO report click here

Teaching Online for Global Competence U.S. Department of State is offering a self-paced online course called, Teaching Online for Global Competence. This course will be available until March 1, 2021. Participants will explore tools and methods for virtual learning within cross-cultural communities in three different modules.



EdWeek Research Center
Student Mental Health During the Pandemic: Educator and Teen Perspectives

This report examines results from winter 2021 EdWeek Research Center surveys of high school students and educators to gauge the pandemic’s impact on students’ mental health.

Education Week Research Center: Virtual Learning Report
Virtual learning has become the norm during this unprecedented time. In this report from the Education Week Research Center, review new data on what’s working for both students and educators; gain perspective on what the future may bring for virtual learning; discover tips for educator training in a virtual world; and hear feedback directly from the students.

American Institutes for Research (AIR)
AIR COVID-19 - Response and Research
Research Brief: Spotlight on Students with Disabilities (October 2020)
This brief reports national survey results about school districts’ challenges and their responses related to serving students with disabilities during COVID-19.

Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
Paraprofessional/Teacher Assistants
This guidance document from experts focuses on the utilization of paraprofessionals during COVID with the premise that no matter what, the instruction needs to be teacher-driven and not paraeducator driven. (July 2020)



IDEA Topics in the Current COVID-19 Environment
The topic areas page includes information and resources related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) from the U.S. Department of Education (Department), Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), and other Federal agencies.
COVID-19 documents and other related resources are on the COVID-19 page.

Catalog of Department Resources
Check the Department's COVID-19 Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel web page for additional information and resources.

Resources for Continuity of Learning
We know that these are challenging times so we wanted to share a list of some resources for Continuity of Learning during COVID-19. Click the links below for easy access.

Council for Exceptional Children
This site from Council for Exceptional Children offers a collection of resources to support special education professionals to apply good teaching practices remotely to provide services to students and families. They are updated regularly.

TTAC (right click on the link and open in new tab)
This comprehensive site managed by TTAC at George Mason University, VA includes a wide array of excellent resources for educators and families in several instructional, social-emotional and behavioral areas, in addition to disability specific resources , webinars, guidance documents and also includes links to many of the national centers, such as NCII and CEEDAR, etc. The website is .

Educating All Learners During the COVID-19 Disaster (Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA)
Coronavirus is posing unprecedented challenges to public schools around the country. To help ensure the continuity of special education services during remote instruction and to spotlight best practice approaches for schools and educators, an alliance of national education organizations has come together to ensure equity for all learners. creates a hub of curated tools, strategies, tips and best practices for supporting students with disabilities online. Our goal is to both curate and create special education resources for educators to serve students who learn differently during this time of challenge. This site includes a section on Events and Webinars and a Resource Library (Resources and Guidance, Technology Tools and Access, and Voices from the Field).

VA Learns Anywhere
The focus on a number of critical elements relevant to academic success, including equity, deeper learning, and the social emotional health of our students. Members on this Task Force, including teachers, instructional leaders, and content knowledge experts, came together to craft comprehensive guidance that will ensure learning continues for all students, while also ensuring students are served equitably, regardless of income level, access to technology, English Learner status, or special needs. The guidance includes an emphasis on instructional models that could include blending of non-technology; face-to-face, small-group learning sessions; virtual platforms; and/or a combination of all of these models.

Special Education Instructional Services (SEIS) Resource Repository
The Virginia Department of Special Education and Student Services, Office of Instructional Services, offered a new resource that focuses in on instructional resources to benefit educators and instructional leaders in the field. These resources are focused on serving students with disabilities on a variety of topics and content areas and reflective of the current challenges of serving students with disabilities during extended school closures as a result of COVID-19.

Professional Development Guidance for Administrators
The Professional Development Guidance (PDF) document connects administrators to information about opportunities and resources that provide professional learning opportunities for public school educators to support Continuity for Learning for all students.

This document provides key considerations to assist administrators, Central Office, and Principals as they establish professional development that will support quality instruction and prevent further expansion of learning gaps. Guidance for supporting the physical, social, and emotional needs of students, families, staff, and the community is included and should inform those professional development decisions. Creating an environment to ensure safety, belonging, and mental health as a foundation for learning is imperative. Adequate support to ensure student success should include training for school staff on culturally responsive student and family outreach strategies. It is meant to help us focus our PD efforts when creating professional learning opportunities for staff.

Posted:  1 November, 2020

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