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DISES President’s Letter – May 2024

Sawubona (Zulu for “I see the whole you” “an invitation to be present and witness the power of the exchange”) DISES Changemakers! 


I am currently on a flight to South Africa to teach a course with graduate students, local educators, and those who love and support education.This year we are focusing on co-authoring text with our South African colleagues on multilingualism, translanguaging, social emotional learning skills, and trauma-informed/healing practices. In Limpopo (rural area north of Johannesburg) we will co-write primary children’s books to teach lessons on social emotional learning and healing practices and in Cape Town we will co-create multimedia, interactive texts for young adults (e.g., maybe a tik tok or a short graphic novel). This project represents the values of DISES because it honors different ages, languages, pedagogical practices, collaborative groups, and continuous growth of globally competent community members (e.g., learners, students, families, educators). 


May has been an exciting month for DISES with the release or the first episode of the CEC Inter Division grant-funded video podcast series, DISES Committees ongoing events, our upcoming international conference in Panama, the website updates, and the recent call for CEC conference proposal reviewers; there are multiple ways to learn, collaborate, and grow in DISES. 


May 4th Intersectionality Virtual Gallery Opening (Video Podcast #1): This month DISES collaborated with the Division for Visual and Performing Art (DARTS), Division for Career Development and Transition (DCDT), and the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) with the kickoff of our Critical Global Conversations Video Podcast Series on Supporting Youth, Families, and Educators in Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Practices. Dr. Juli Dorff and I were honored to host the live virtual gallery opening on May 4th where artists with disabilities and those who support them shared about their intersectionality through works of art. We defined intersectionality as the acknowledgement that we all have our own identities and unique experiences of discrimination, oppression, and privilege based on (pulled from Kimberlé Crenshaw’s (1989) and Sylvia Duckworth’s (2020) work). You can view the art posted in the gallery and hear from some of the artists of the “Honoring & Expressing Intersectionality Through the Visual & Performing Arts” here.  


CEC IDG Virtual Gallery

DISES Committees:

●      April Members Spotlight: Did you see the member spotlight on Danica Moise? You can check it out here. She is doing some amazing work as a PhD candidate! If you have any ideas for who should have a spotlight, contact Past President Mary Kealy at

●      May 18th Sip & Chat on Family Engagement: On May 18th the Family Engagement Committee hosted a Sip & Chat focused on Family Engagement. Sip & Chats events are free and open to all who are interested in getting a taste of what DISES has to offer. This last one was a great success, we look forward to hosting another on July 17- contact Keitha Osborne for more information ! 

●      May DISES Student Engagement Event: Saurym is planning a virtual watch party on the NCFDD "How to Align your plans with your Priorities.” You can find out more by emailing Saurym at They are also putting together a mentoring program–If you are looking to be a mentor or would like to be mentored, please come  

●      June Professional Learning Gallery Committee: We are building a professional learning gallery. Although there is still a lot to be done, there are some wonderful opportunities for joining and sharing your expertise. Reach out to Rebekka Jez if you are interested in a committee!  

By May 23rd Prepare for Conference: June 26-28th DISES 2024 International Conference in Panama City, Panama: We will be meeting on June 26th in Panama City, Panama for our international conference. There are many exciting presentations, speakers, and EXCURSIONS built into the program. If you are attending, and haven’t done so already, please complete the DISES Conference Program Verification and Excursion Form by May 23) to ensure that you are listed in the program correctly and that we know your wishes regarding excursions.  HERE IS THE  FORM LINK. Did you know we will be having our first DISES Conference Proceeding this year? For more information, read here

map of DISES members_conferences

Ongoing Website Makeover: Thanks to the leadership of Keri Mignano and Sofia Mavropoulou our DISES  website  is being updated with new information and resources. Check out the map of our members and conference locations- we are so proud of the stretch of our organization! Keep an eye out for the Professional Growth Learning Gallery.


May 31st Deadline for CEC Call for Reviewers for Conference Proposals: Help select a dynamic convention program by becoming a Convention Proposal Reviewer. All reviewers are required to be a CEC member. To learn more about becoming a CEC member, click here to become a memberClick here to apply to be a reviewer


As I travel with my class over the next few weeks, we will be exploring global competency. DISES recognizes that global competence is an equity issue. Equitable education systems challenge learners, families, and educators to not only address cognitive learning supports but also the social, emotional, and behavioral experiences of every member of our community. If you know someone who is focused on creating globally competent learners, families, educators, education systems, and communities, please have them reach out to Robai Werunga  or Elizabeth Colquitt to learn more about how to become a DISES member and get involved in our amazing initiatives! 


There are so many exciting DISES initiatives in progress right now because of the involvement of our inspiring community. If you have any thoughts you would like to share, we are always open to hearing more about how we can serve you. My email is


Kea Leboga (thank you in Sepedi), 


Dr. Rebekka J. Jez, DISES President

Posted:  23 May, 2024
Author: Rebekka J. Jez, EdD

President of the Division for International Special Education and Services (DISES), a division of the Council for Exceptional Children

Read more from Rebekka J. Jez, EdD

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