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DISES President's Message - January 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year! DISES wishes you very happy, healthy, safe and prosperous times in 2021! As we look forward to the new year and the promises it holds, we are grateful for our friends and colleagues and the common bonds we share in our quest for high quality educational services for individuals with disabilities and their families throughout the world.

We would like to highlight some of the exciting projects and events as we begin the New Year!

Membership Campaign
If you are not yet a member of CEC and DISES then this one is for you! We are offering our colleagues an opportunity to join both CEC and DISES with a 50% reduction on the cost of a CEC membership, January 1-31, 2021. As you know, both CEC and DISES offer a wealth of resources, professional learning opportunities and other professional benefits to enhance your work and deepen your commitment to serving individuals with disabilities. Please click here to learn more.

Virtual Event - February 27, 2021, 1:00-2:30 pm, ET
As a DISES member you will have free access to our virtual events series open to all with reduced costs to all others. We are committed to keeping our members and colleagues engaged in the DISES mission and international focus on inclusive education while continuing to meet the challenges of the global pandemic. We invite you to join us for the first session in the series: Global Educators Supporting ALL Learners Through Innovations, Challenges and Changes in Schools and share in the conversation among panel members and colleagues for an exciting exchange of ideas and experiences! More information about the event and registration coming soon.

DISES Events at CEC L.I.V.E
We are also preparing for the first virtual annual CEC L.I.V.E convention, March 10-13, and the DISES activities sponsored events during the convention. Join us for our DISES Showcase, Global Engagement and Impact: Supporting ALL Learners in an Inclusive Society on March 12, featuring a panel of DISES experts sharing highlights of their impressive international work.

DISES Special Award
We also invite you to attend our annual business/membership meeting followed by our virtual reception where we will present a special award to a colleague who has made a significant contribution during the pandemic. Click here for details about the award and nominate a colleague for the DISES 2021 Special Award.

Click here for the entire schedule of events. We'll look forward to seeing you there!

Bylaws Ratified - December 21, 2020
The DISES Bylaws were ratified by the membership on December 21, 2020! While many of the revisions were minor, the most significant change is the extension of the term of the current Board of Directors (BOD) to align with the CEC calendar, January - June. Therefore all current BOD members will serve in their positions until December 31, 2021. Please click here to review the DISES 2020 Bylaws.

Wishing you all a wonderful year of Bright Beginnings in 2021!

Mary V. Kealy, EdD
President, Division of International Special Education and Services

Posted:  1 January, 2021
Author: Mary V. Kealy, EdD

President, Division of International Special Education and Services

Read more from Mary V. Kealy, EdD

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