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DISES President's Message - May 2020

Dear DISES Members and Friends:

It has been a privilege to serve as the President of DISES for the past year. As my term draws to an end in June, I want to thank each one of you for your support and my awesome colleagues on the DISES Board of Directors. I also want to highlight a few DISES achievements from the past year as well as welcome the new DISES board.

Selected accomplishments:

  • DISES website was redone and the social media presence was increased to add Twitter, Instagram and the closed Facebook page only for members.
  • Can you believe it? DISES completed 30 years.
  • International Conference Dubai 2020 was postponed to next year due to Covid-19 which is unfortunate. However, we are pleased to announce that we have finalized the new dates in collaboration with our partners. So, please mark your calendars for the new dates - June 21-23, 2021! We look forward to seeing you there.
  • DISES put out two surveys to help support DISES members and others. We are inviting you to help us and each other by completing one or both of the two surveys below by June 7th.

New DISES Board of Directors (July 2020 - June 2021)
President - Dr. Mary Kealy
Past President - Dr. Jugnu Agrawal
Vice President - Dr. Clara Hauth
President-Elect - Dr. Nicole DeClouette
Treasurer - Dr. Ritu Chopra
Secretary - Elizabeth Colquitt, Ed.S.
Membership Officer - Dr.Jim Chapple
Communication Officer - Dr. Emily Collins
Member at large - Dr. Rebekka Jez
Member at Large - Dr. Robai Werunga
Member-at-Large (International Outreach) - Dr. Deborah Tamakloe
Member-at-Large - (Event Support) Mark Francis Ed.S.
Student Representative - Sacha Cartagena
Executive Director - Dr. Alice Farling

We would love to hear from you so please reach out to us via Email or Social media!

Dr. Jugnu Agrawal
President, DISES


  • Google and YouTube have launched new resource pages to help teachers and families continue to educate students while they're home from school due to the novel coronavirus. Click here for more info.
  • Check out the lesson plans and activities for in home activities for parents by grade level at Discovery Education. Click here for more info.
  • Indiana Department of Education Resources has a collection of several resources for teachers and parents to support different content areas including social-emotional learning. Click here for more info.
  • UNESCO provides a list of educational applications and platforms to help parents, teachers, schools and school systems facilitate student learning and provide social caring and interaction during periods of school closure. Most of the solutions are free and several support multiple languages. Click here for more info.
Posted:  1 May, 2020
Author: Dr. Jugnu Agrawal

Past President of DISES

Read more from Dr. Jugnu Agrawal

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