DISES President's Message - November 2020
Dear DISES Colleagues,
I hope you are staying healthy and safe but also finding time to lift your spirits with creative ways to spend your time and find enjoyment in new projects and new ways to connect with family and friends.
During this lovely fall holiday season, I would like to share some interesting information and updates:
Dubai 2021 Conference Update
After considering the health, safety and travel issues, exploring alternatives, and consulting with our partner, Sunshine Learning Difficulties Center, in Dubai, we carefully considered all the information and decided to postpone the conference until June 2022 in the best interests of our members and other registrants. We hope those who planned to attend will consider this new date and others will also include this date in future conference/travel plans. Please note that if you had a presentation accepted for Dubai 2021, your presentation is automatically on the accepted list for Dubai 2022.
More information will follow regarding registration refunds, call for additional proposals, etc.
DISES Virtual Learning Series
Although we are disappointed about the 2020 conference, we are very excited to announce that, in an effort to keep our members engaged and provide a services during the coming year, DISES will be offering a series of virtual learning and information- sharing opportunities during the winter, spring and fall 2021 seasons. We look forward to expanding our knowledge and sharing ideas with colleagues on several topics of interest to our global community of practice.
More information about the details of these learning opportunities will follow so please stay tuned and check our website and social media postings.
International Events-November & December 2020: Engaged. Resilient. Global International Education Week, celebrated November 16-20, 2020, is a worldwide opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange. Schools, colleges and universities, embassies, international organizations, businesses, associations, community organizations, and more will be organizing events for their communities.
This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences. Visit iew.state.gov for more information and resources.
We also celebrate the International Day for Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on December 3, 2020. The IDPD is annually observed to promote the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities and to advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society and development. This year, the IDPD will be commemorated throughout the week of November 30 - December 4 in conjunction with the 13th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The theme this year is “Building Back Better: Toward a Disability Inclusive, Accessible and Sustainable Post COVID-19 World”. The forthcoming DISES Information Brief will provide you with more information and details related to this internationally observed week.
Website Resources
We invite you to access current resources and information on the DISES website (dises-cec.org) related to COVID-19. We hope this information will be helpful in your work efforts. Please feel free to share with colleagues. Additionally, please visit our Member Spotlight, meet our student member, and learn about her pathway into the world of international special education.
DISES Bylaws Revisions
You recently received a copy of the draft revisions of the DISES Bylaws 2020 for review and comment. The changes reflect actual current practice and align with our mission and goals for moving us forward next year. Please send any comments by Dec. 3 to info@dises-cec.org . We hope to have the revised bylaws ratified by the end of December 2020. We appreciate your participation in the process.
As we approach the season of gratitude, I would like to extend my grateful appreciation for your commitment to inclusive education in a global society so ALL individuals may benefit from high quality educational opportunities focused on their special needs. Your part in making this a reality is the spirit of DISES and the bright spot that shines the light on the work we do together.
With Gratitude in the spirit of Thanksgiving,
Mary V. Kealy, EdD
President, DISES