Guidance for Learning Loss and Recovery Services
Students with disabilities may encounter learning loss as a result of school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of these circumstances, educators may need to determine if educational gaps in learning or loss of skills may exist. When implementing equitable and inclusive learning environments, check out the Council for Exceptional Children’s guidance: Nine Recommendations for Inclusive Learning Recovery for Students with Disabilities.
The Virginia Department of Education’s Considerations for COVID Recovery Services for Students with Disabilities guidance document highlights considerations and information related to compliance, documentation, and progress monitoring.
Virginia LEARNS (Leading, Engaging, Assessing, Recovering, Nurturing, Succeeding) Guidance Documents
View these 2 excellent guidance documents in the links below prepared by the Virginia LEARNS workgroup on best practices in addressing the opening of schools to in-person instruction, recovery from unfinished learning, and the social- emotional learning needs of students and school staff. The focus on the social emotional wellness and physical health needs of students, families, and staff will be critical to re-engage students in learning, rebuild relationships and school communities, and create equitable learning environments for all students. This guidance is designed for educators to examine and reconsider the academic, behavioral, and functional needs of students with disabilities as public schools and other settings reopen:
Considerations for Learning Loss
Consideration Learning Loss_FINAL.pdf
The Student and Staff Wellbeing Checkpoint
Additionally, the Virginia Department of Education’s Considerations for COVID Recovery Services for Students with Disabilities guidance document highlights considerations and information related to compliance, documentation, and progress monitoring