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A Message from DISES President - Dr. Mary Kealy December 2021

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you are enjoying the beauty and wonder of the season and all the joy the holiday spirit brings us in so many ways.

I want to share some of the DISES happenings as we wind down a wonderful year and look ahead to 2022. The DISES leadership has been very busy and I am excited to update you on the following activities and events:


Newly Elected Board Members

As a result of our November election, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome three new Board members to the DISES leadership team:

  • Dr. Deborah Tamakloe- President Elect
  • Dr. Catherine Creighton Martin- Member at Large- Communications Support
  • Dr. Ashleigh Molloy- Member at Large- Membership Support

They will begin their terms on January 1, 2022. Please join me in congratulating these very talented professionals! We look forward to working with them in their new leadership roles.


DISES Global Leadership Summit- June 27-28, 2022

If you have been following our website and social media you already know that DISES will be holding our international roundtable in Breckenridge, Colorado considering health and safety concerns. We are excited to convene once again in- person for some meaningful dialogue on promoting inclusive practices on a global scale and discussing what leadership role we all can play in moving this agenda forward. Join us for this exciting event in this scenic mountain venue for conversation, fun and fellowship as we continue to connect with friends and colleagues from several countries around the world. Click here for registration information.

Registration Information


CEC Convention 2022- January 16-19, Orlando, FL

We are also looking forward to reconnecting with colleagues at CEC and hope you will be joining us for more lively discussions and events. We especially want to invite you to all the DISES events on Monday, January 17 that include our Showcase Session (9:15-10:15am), Business/ Membership Meeting (4:00-5:00 pm) and Social and Awards Reception (5:00-7:00 pm). You won’t want to miss an opportunity to win a raffle prize and meet and mingle with new friends! 

Learn More and Register


Student Member Spotlight

DISES continues to feature the work our members are engaged in in several countries by spotlighting them monthly on our website and social media platforms. We all benefit from members sharing their work, motivation, inspirations, and contributions and expand our knowledge and global perspectives on inclusive education. This month DISES spotlights student member, and her interesting experiences. Click on the Membership tab to view the Student Member Spotlight. Enjoy!


Membership Special- Last Call!

Have you invited a friend or colleague to take advantage of this tremendous offer to be part of a global network of awesome professionals?

DISES is continuing this 50/50 special offer through December 31, 2021. Last chance to get 50% off a CEC membership AND 50% off a DISES membership. Click on the Membership tab for details.


In closing, I would like to thank all members for their support during my presidency, July 2020-December 2021. Together we have accomplished so much! Despite the global pandemic, we were able to make great strides and expand our reach in the global community. We created virtual opportunities to engage our members through our informal Sip and Chat sessions and our 3 powerful virtual events, featuring several international experts and lively facilitated discussion, as an alternative to our typical conferences.  Another new service to our members has been the several Information Briefs written on a variety of timely topics that include a robust collection of current and relevant resources. As a result, our membership has steadily increased, and we look forward to continuing our work with the conference planning committee to offer you an outstanding Global Leadership Summit in June 2022. I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such a talented leadership team and to serve the DISES membership. It has been an amazing experience both personally and professionally!

Although bittersweet, it will be my pleasure to pass the baton to the very capable hands of my colleague, Dr. Clara Hauth, who begins her term as President on January 1, 2022.

I wish you all a happy, healthy, and joyous holiday season and all the best for a bright New Year throughout 2022! I look forward to connecting with you at CEC and/or in Breckenridge, CO next year! 

All my very best wishes,

Mary Mary V. Kealy, EdD President, Division of International Special Education and Services

Posted:  13 December, 2021
Author: Mary V. Kealy, EdD

President, Division of International Special Education and Services

Read more from Mary V. Kealy, EdD

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