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President's Message - October 2019

Dear DISES members and guests:

I wanted to share a few highlights and updates from DISES. We have been around for 30 years promoting knowledge, exchange, collaboration, human rights and advocacy to those who provide services for individuals with disabilities. Can you believe it? Please join us at the CEC convention in Portland for the celebration. Below is a picture from our 20th year celebration in Nashville!

dises group oct 2020

Please join us for the DISES 2020 conference in Dubai. If you haven't submitted your proposal or need more time, don't sweat :) ! The deadline has been extended until Nov 15th. Please go to our website to submit your proposal. Dubai offers so much to do with family and friends. Please use the following links to discover different things to do in Dubai. My personal favorite is the desert tour.

Check out the following links to plan your trip:

We are excited to announce we are expanding our presence on social media on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (click on the links below to connect immediately).

Stay up to date by:

  • Answering our call for proposals for the DISES Conference in Dubai 2020
  • Submitting to our Journal of International Special Needs Education
  • Learning about who is in our organization through our Member's Spotlight
  • Joining our Closed DISES Facebook Group and networking with like-minded educators across the globe, sharing resources, highlighting and problem solving barriers, and discussing individual institutional challenges and successes
  • Find us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter

Check out the information on Dr. LaSonya Moore in the New Member Spotlight section and DISES Distinguished International Leadership Award recipient Dr. Michelle Meredith on the Awards page.

DISES Leadership sent a letter to CEC Executive Board and CEC Interim Director outlining concerns over the latest developments in CEC especially the abrupt dismissal of long-time CEC Policy expert Dr. Deborah Ziegler. You can request a copy of this letter by emailing us at

I would like to thank DISES Board for their hard work and support.

Dr. Jugnu Agrawal
President, DISES

Posted:  1 October, 2019
Author: Dr. Jugnu Agrawal

Past President of DISES

Read more from Dr. Jugnu Agrawal

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