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Dr. Deborah Ziegler DISES Distinguished International Leadership Award

Dr. Deborah Ziegler made extraordinary contributions and accomplishments in her leadership and advocacy work to promote inclusive education for individuals with disabilities and their families throughout the world. Dr. Ziegler demonstrated strong leadership skills in her roles as Assistant Executive Director and Director of Policy, Advocacy and Global Services at the Council of Exceptional Children for more than 20 years. 

The Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES) seeks nominations for a DISES member whose visionary international leadership, advocacy, and professional service exemplifies the DISES mission.

February 04, 2023
Award type:
Presented by:
Alice M Farling, Ed.D

Award Details:

Dr. Deborah Ziegler made extraordinary contributions and accomplishments in her leadership and advocacy work to promote inclusive education for individuals with disabilities and their families throughout the world. Dr. Ziegler demonstrated strong leadership skills in her roles as Assistant Executive Director and Director of Policy, Advocacy and Global Services at the Council of Exceptional Children for more than 20 years. 

The Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES) seeks nominations for a DISES member whose visionary international leadership, advocacy, and professional service exemplifies the DISES mission.

Applicants must be current members of DISES.

Nominations are sought across education and related service providers. Self-nominations are welcome. Only complete nomination packets will be considered. The nomination packet should include the following information: 

  1. A Letter of Nomination (self-nominations are acceptable and encouraged) 
  2. Resume/Curriculum Vitae (please provide an English translation if applicable) 
  3. Contact information for two references (name, position, email addresses, phone number) 
  4. Professional headshot photo

Dr. Clara Hauth


Dr. Clara Hauth is the Program Director for the EdD program at Marymount. Her academic experience includes teaching both graduate and undergraduate online instruction at Marymount, George Mason University and James Madison University. Prior to her work at Marymount, she spent 5 years in the broadcasting industry, training and leading teams in program content, and 10 years as a secondary special education teacher and chair leading teacher training. She serves as a liaison with state and national programs supporting students with disabilities and is an active member of AERA, ASCD, CEC, and divisions CCBD, CLD, DISES and TED. She serves on the DISES board, collaborating with global educational organizations. Dr. Hauth’s transformational leadership in preparing teachers and administrators for careers in the critical field of special education is noted through her co-authored book The Survival Guide for New Special Education Teachers. Her research agenda includes interventions in schools, teacher and school leadership, and global education. She is the current Program Director for the EdD in Educational Leadership and Organizational Innovation.


Dr. Zachary Walker


Dr. Walker has been a long-time member of DISES and CEC. He has served as a board member of CEC, and he held a leadership position as “Information and Communications Officer” on the DISES board. In 2022, DISES featured Zachary in a “DISES Member Spotlight” and he was a speaker at a DISES virtual event in 2021 on the topic of Inclusive Practices Around the World.


Dr. Walker serves as the Head of Department for the Department of Psychology and Human Development (PHD) at the University College London Institute of Education (IOE). He is a Senior Fellow with the Higher Education Academy. He has worked with educators and policymakers in more than 30 countries on issues of diversity and inclusion, inclusive pedagogies, and innovative practice.


Dr. Yaoying Xu,

Virginia Commonwealth University


Throughout her career, Dr. Xu has demonstrated extraordinary contributions through her leadership and advocacy work to promote inclusive education for individuals and their families in national and international contexts. Highlights of her work include serving as director of the VCU School of Education's International Educational Studies Center where she conceptualized and launched Education without Borders, a platform serving educators, researchers, and leaders in providing culturally responsive teacher education, special education research, classroom assessment, curriculum and instruction, and educational leadership. She has also chaired international conferences and served as President of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association. Dr. Xu secured in excess of $10 million for research, personnel preparation, and program development related to investigating the impact of social and cultural factors on young children and students' developmental and educational outcomes. She also supports doctoral students in research efforts exploring the impact of culturally responsive teaching in teacher education programs. Dr. Xu's work has led to increased awareness of intercultural competence and improved research skills in cross-cultural studies.


Dr. Deborah Ziegler


Dr. Deborah Ziegler has made extraordinary contributions and accomplishments in her leadership and advocacy work to promote inclusive education for individuals with disabilities and their families throughout the world over the past several decades. Dr. Ziegler has demonstrated strong leadership skills in her roles as Assistant Executive Director and Director of Policy, Advocacy and Global Services at the Council of Exceptional Children for the past 20 years. In these roles she has initiated several global projects and policies that have contributed greatly to improving services for individuals with disabilities in Kuwait, Russia, the Ukraine, and other Eastern European countries in need of the knowledge and professional development for teachers and parents to advance their education agenda for individuals with disabilities. Dr. Ziegler is recognized for her impact and global efforts to advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities at the international level. Her work on the boards of several international disability organizations has focused on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is reflected in her work as Editor of the book, Inclusion for ALL: The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities- one significant voice to advocate for inclusive education throughout the world. Therefore, we, as members of the Division of Special Education and Services do proclaim the DISES Distinguished International Leadership Award be named the Dr. Deborah Ziegler DISES Distinguished International Leadership Award.


Dr. Michele Meredith


Dr. Michele Meredith was presented the DISES Distinguished International Leadership Award at the DISES conference in Jamaica in June. Dr. Meredith has made many significant contributions to special education and inclusionary practices. Her international accomplishments include contributing a chapter on Equity and Inclusion for the Technical Report on the Status and Challenges of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 Education 2030 in the Caribbean (September, 2018), leading professional development in the British Virgin Islands, consulting on a program reform initiative in Tobago and serving on the Tobago Special Education Advisory Committee.


Dr. Meredith is currently serving as a Visiting Associate Professor at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, New York.


In her native country of Jamaica, Dr. Meredith led the strategic development plan for the special education portion of the Education System Transformation Program for the Ministry of Education. She was a major contributor to the design and development of inclusive educational practices including the Proficiency Pathways for Secondary Education. She designed professional development materials for the Proficiency Pathway, Team Teach Positive Behavior Intervention and Restorative Discipline (in association with Team Teach Asia). She also developed Guidelines for Identification and Referral, a Handbook for Principals and Guidelines for Mainstream Support and School to Work Transition. In addition to developing a plan for life after school for students with disabilities, she also implemented island-wide workshops and presentations for professional development of in-service and pre-service teachers.Dr. Meredith also produced a resource book and implementation guide for identifying program options for gifted students.


Dr. Suzanne Martin


On February 8 during the DISES reception at the CEC International Convention in Indianapolis Dr. Suzanne Martin of the University of Central Florida was presented the DISES Distinguished International Leadership Award for her outstanding work and leadership in international special education. Dr. Martin received her Ph.D. in special education administration from the University of Florida and is currently Professor of Exceptional Education at the University of Central Florida.


She served as CEC President 2003-04 and was on CEC’s workgroup on international roles and was consulting scholar to CEC on a training program on HIV/AIDS. Dr. Martin created the Inaugural Milestone Millennium Maker Awards, a program that celebrates women and men who improve the lives of women and promote the advancement of the United Nations Mission and Millennium Development Goals.


Dr. Martin is a founding member and is currently on the Executive Board for the World Academy for the Future of Women. She was invited as one of six people to the UN in New York to meet with the Deputy Director for Partnership and Public Engagement to discuss expansion and partnership with the World Academy for the Future of Women and invited to the 9th Annual Women’s Symposium. She served on the steering committee for an inaugural US/China conference on special education. Dr. Martin has served on the Board of SIAS University in China and a joint US/China effort to develop university curricula based on Western and Eastern foundations.


Dr. Martin was presented the Teacher of Excellence Award at the University of Central Florida in 2009. In 2012 she was named Outstanding Professor in the state of Florida.


In a letter of support for her nomination for the DISES International Leadership Award, it was stated “ the special education doctoral program at UCF has an incredible number of students who pursue international components as a part of their studies/internships. They have studied and researched in Italy (UNESCO), UNRWA Palestine, Jordan, Botswana and Singapore. Her selection will not only serve as a fine addition to the set of previous recipients, but will provide an excellent example to DISES members and others about how to make differences internationally in special education.

2018 Dr. Iva Boneva. Bulgaria Executive Director, Center for Inclusive Education
2018 Roger Mark Jacobs. Western Cape University
2017 Eastlyn McKenzie. Tobago Ministry of Education
2016 Dr. David Rodriquez, University of Lisbon


Last Updated:  6 April, 2024

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