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Help and Support for At-promise Learners’ Academic and Emotional Well-being: Moving the 2022 UNESCO Report to Inform Inclusive Practices in Our Communities

Online Event
Past Event

The global pandemic impacted every aspect of the educational experience for learners, teachers, families and school leadership. Join us as we examine the international 2022 UNESCO REDS report and the impact the global pandemic has had on social-emotional and academic experiences of learners across the globe.  This interactive virtual event will highlight panelists from across the globe speaking about positive strategies they are seeing in their countries and hopes for the future.



  • Free to DISES
  • Free for International Folx
  • $5 for other CEC members/outsiders  
Lara Ragpot, PhD
Lara Ragpot is a professor in the School of Education and Director of the Master of Arts in Educational Studies – Special Education (MAES-SPED). Her main focus in the modules she teaches is childhood development and special education. More specifically, she is motivated to understand the exceptional child – how they learn and how to best support educators to teach them. She has published in the fields of social issues in education, childhood cognitive development, early mathematical cognition, and the interface of neuroscience, psychology and pedagogy.
Joan Phillips Benne
Mrs. Joan Phillips-Bennett has been an educator for more than ten years with a background in the Visual and Performing Arts. She is an advocate for persons with exceptionalities and has been working closely with educators, parents and various ministers in Jamaica to assist them in better catering to children with exceptionalities. Mrs. Phillips-Bennett's passion stems from her love for children and her daughter who was born with exceptionalities.
Elarbi Imad
Elarbi Imad is the President and Executive director of the Moroccan Center for Civic Education. He graduated in applied linguistics from the University of Reading in the UK, holds a Master degree in Education from Cardiff University, and a University Doctorate (Hon) from Ottawa University, Canada. Mr. Imad served as President of the Board of Directors of the Arab Civitas regional network and co-chair of the International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI 2020). He has been working as a teacher trainer, regional and international project director, international consultant and expert in education, citizenship education, civil society and youth.
Tanya Pinkerton
Tanya Pinkerton serves as a project manager for a USAID funded cooperative agreement, the Higher Education Partnership - Morocco (HEP-M) and as a clinical assistant professor in the division of teacher preparation for Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Prior to joining Arizona State University, Ms. Pinkerton spent ten years teaching preschool and elementary-aged children in a public school setting with a focus on educating students with disabilities in an inclusive school environment. Ms. Pinkerton is focused on embedding Universal Design for Learning elements into higher education courses in order to create an inclusive environment for preservice teachers while modeling inclusive education strategies for future teachers.


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